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  • #1813 Reply
    Lance Thompson
    1734 Posts

    And what were the Crypto disciples predicting back in 2018?? That once the Ivy League and other big university endowments began buying crypto that's when you KNOW that crypto has "arrived"…..It was also clearly stated more than once on Bloomberg and on CNBC that when they did it would be a very quiet, non-publicized event…..Well checkout the Bloomberg News article at the link below…………

    Harvard University

    Yale University

    Brown University

    University of Michigan

    All of their endowments in true-to-form fashion have been "quietly" buying Bitcoin and other cryptos underneath everybody's noses for about the past year……..


    #1815 Reply
    Lance Thompson
    1734 Posts

    Visa is now getting into cryptocurrencies and y'all know that Visa is the Grandaddy of credit cards…..So where Visa goes the rest will follow……………..

    Bitcoin and crypto just keeps on getting more and more and more and more "mainstream"……….this is huge……………………………


    #1816 Reply
    Lance Thompson
    1734 Posts

    And here you have it Brothers & Sisters,

    More evidence that Tron, Cardano & Polkadot are positioning themselves to be very very very stiff competition for Ethereum……………………………..


    #1818 Reply
    Lance Thompson
    1734 Posts


    After reading this article most of you are gonna have the exact same reaction I had……"China is sending mixed signals like a mug boy!!!…..What exactly are they trying to do?? Do they want crypto banned in China or not??"

    Wish I knew the answers to those questions but the only thing I can do is what the rest of us can do which is to "speculate"……We've now seen Paypal, Visa and just yesterday Tesla go public with their plans to accept Bitcoin as a form of payment…….

    In street terms?? Let's just put it like this…..when it comes to technological advancements that are going to make people rich y'all know as well as I do that when it comes to getting into the club China doesn't go for "standing in line"……Naw naw naw…..they want be shuffled to the front of the line and they want to be sitting in VIP popping bottles by the time everybody else gets in……..I could be totally off-base but I think they don't want to get left behind on crypto……Let's just keep an eye on their movements………..Enjoy the article………….


    #1820 Reply
    Lance Thompson
    1734 Posts

    And this right here is why I highly recommend subscribing to Bob's YouTube Channel because all the guy does is read the latest information on crypto deveolopments all around the World and then share those developments in his videos……What you'll see in this particular clip that it's not a game……..Our neighbors to the North just approved the very first Crypto ETF and with the U.S.'s competitive juices you know it's just a matter of time before the SEC approves Crypto ETFs here…….

    Another development that is taking crypto more and more into the mainstream and is HUGE………………………….


    #1838 Reply
    Lance Thompson
    1734 Posts

    The biggest Bitcoin bull on the planet Tim Draper, the billionaire venture capitalist has projected for Bitcoin to go as high as $1 Million dollars per coin within the next 5 years… fact he’s trying to transfer as much of his billions of U.S. dollars over to Bitcoin because in his words “Bitcoin is the currency of the future…..Why would I want to own the U.S. dollar which is on its way to becoming the currency of the past??”

    Yeah I too am bullish on Bitcoin as well but I think the guy is off his rocker, but hell, WHAT DO I KNOW???……..Checkout this interview he did about an hour ago and form your own opinion………………………


    #1839 Reply
    Lance Thompson
    1734 Posts

    The Future good people…….unfolding right before our very eyes………..enjoy…………….



    #1841 Reply
    Lance Thompson
    1734 Posts

    Okay Good People,

    The main thing we’ve been looking for in regards to crypto the past 3 years is what is “emerging” as the future big coins…..Which currencies have the most potential to explode? Well, the 1 area that clearly is emerging is Defi (Decentralized Finance). Now I’ve been paying attention to the guy who runs this KIR Finance Channel on YouTube (Keeping It Real Finance….I know…..corny)…..and I’ve gotta tell you, there’s 1 big thing that I like about the guy who runs the KIR Finance Channel……As I’ve said many times before the #1 Crypto Expert on YouTube in my opinion is the Asian guy Bob from Wisconsin who runs The Crypto Currency News Guy Channel. Why? Because Bob does the hourlong livestreams where people type up their questions during the livestream and Bob answers the questions off the top of his head……Only other guy I’ve seen who answers questions live like that is Jim Cramer on Mad Money on CNBC. So Bob is “winning” in the technical knowledge category.

    Well this guy on KIR? What he’s saying “matches” Bob’s thinking regarding who is emerging as the Top 5 or 6 coins to buy in the Defi space and in this video he tells you the reasons “why”……He and Bob do agree on 1 thing……Ethereum definitely faces some serious challenges going forward……Yeah he lists Ethereum but he also talks about the reasons why they’ve got a tough road ahead if they’re going to remain dominant in the Defi space……Enjoy.


    #1844 Reply
    Lance Thompson
    1734 Posts

    Okay NABPM,

    We’ve been waiting since India’s Supreme Court lifted the ban on cryptocurrency exactly 1 year ago on March 4th, 2020 for the “official decision” on crypto in India to be made regarding whether their Parliament was going to permanently ban crypto or not……Well this is the statement from India’s Finance Minister yesterday so it gets no more “official” than that.

    Never underestimate the gravity of the decision…….Do you good people know what this means???……….The Country of India is about to allow 1.393 Billion people within their country’s borders to have access to the cryptocurrency market!!

    China’s sitting around thinking the entire planet has to wait on them to play ball?!?!?………F–k ’em!!!……Screw China!!!…..Who needs ’em??? Ha!!!  🙂

    This right here is huge good people…..If you haven’t bought any crypto at this point?? You need to strongly strongly consider buying some……With a hold strategy through at least the end of the 1st Quarter of 2022………….


    #1847 Reply
    Lance Thompson
    1734 Posts


    An outstanding video to watch from both a stock investor standpoint and from a future employment for young Black people standpoint. This video explains to you Why Malls Are Disappearing in the U.S……Now it’s not so tragic as to make one think that there won’t be ANY jobs left for Black people in this changing America…….No no no no no……OF COURSE there will be jobs for young black people of future generations…….This isn’t a “woe is we” video to make you pessimistic and depressed. It’s a video to get us as a community “ready” for what’s coming from now all the way 30 years into the future. The video explains why even before the Covid pandemic retail/mall jobs were in decline and that was just exacerbated by the pandemic. The main thing to make a note of is that the Malls Of The Future will offer you “a lot more” than Malls Of The Past by adding things to them that malls never used to offer before such as hotels, office buildings with lease space, medical office buildings, fitness centers/gyms, self-storage centers, etc…….Jobs that are in other sectors outside of the traditional mall/retail jobs. They’re calling it “repurposing”.

    Now what the up & coming youngins will be “missing” that our generation had when we were coming up in the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and early 2000s is those retail jobs WE ALL HAD when we were coming up back in those days…….All of us started out working our 1st jobs at Sears, Red Lobster, JCPenney, McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, Macys, Burger King, Nordstroms, Wendys, Rallys, Taco Bell and places like that……Jobs that while they didn’t pay well THEY WERE EASY TO GET that required no formal education, would give you outstanding work experience for the next job, and if you were that laser focused, motivated worker could work your way up to Manager where you were managing 5, 10, 15 stores or restaurants and could command a solid salary before buying your first franchise……For the younger Generation?? Our generation “hates” that you guys aren’t gonna have as much of that available to you as it was to us…….

    But that right there is one of the motivations for this website……Can’t just sit around and complain about what’s no longer there for “us”……Black America has to do its own “replacing” of what we see disappearing……


    #1850 Reply
    Lance Thompson
    1734 Posts

    A segment on the YouTube channel Forkast News out of China that just came out this morning that makes 1 thing crystal clear to me……Since India has made a decision that they’re “in” on crypto??  China doesn’t know what to do!!…..They’re finding what they’ve been advised by multiple countries for the past several years is true……Cryptocurrency isn’t something that you can ban!! The only thing you can do is “regulate it”……Otherwise your citizens will either flee the country or go underground illegally to trade it. Get with the program China, or be left in everybody’s rearview mirror…………………….


    #1851 Reply
    Lance Thompson
    1734 Posts

    Want a worthwhile stock to buy?? The stock for Coinbase, the U.S. cryptocurrency exchange debuts tomorrow on Wednesday, April 14th at a price of $250 a share and it’s expected to shoot up by a minimum of $100 at market open and then head up to a higher price before crashing back down and settling at a lower price……Who knows? It may go up as high as $700 a share before settling back down. I’ll probably wait a few days until it settles down before I buy in……….

    The ticker-symbol??………..COIN

    Happy trading if you decide to buy…………………………


    #1855 Reply
    Lance Thompson
    1734 Posts


    New SEC Chairman Gary Gensler is considered a firm believer in the viability of the crypto industry so any legislation enacted under his leadership is expected to be crypto friendly.


    #1856 Reply
    Lance Thompson
    1734 Posts

    No changes in regulations, but a DEFINITE change in tone from the PBOC (People’s Bank of China) last night…….The pundits have been saying for a while now that they believe China doesn’t want to get left behind on crypto and it appears that they are on target in that assessment………………..


    #1857 Reply
    Lance Thompson
    1734 Posts

    Me and several others have said all of these things on Bob’s crypto livestreams and all we’ve gotten back from him was “No no no no no, there’s no way China would ever be open to crypto trading on the Mainland. China is all about Communist centralization, they’ll never go for it”………Go back and read previous posts I’ve made on this very thread where I’ve talked about China sending “mixed signals”….Listen to how he sounds now in this video, parroting everything we’ve been saying for the past 18 months…..but forget about that…..The most important thing is to make a mental note of what he says about China’s “homegrown cryptos” receiving favoritism from them including Tron and Vechain……As I’ve said so many times before, don’t sleep on Tron!


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