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  • #1859 Reply
    Lance Thompson
    1732 Posts

    Yeah this brother has been locked-up and all…..but he took his time in prison and he read books and watched a ton of Bloomberg and CNBC and he learned how to trade stocks. Through reading books and watching business news he expanded his knowledge-base so much that today trading stocks is how he makes a living…….He’s doing it full-time!!

    Check him out……..New Orleans brothers who goes by the name of The Wall Street Trapper………………….


    #1862 Reply
    Lance Thompson
    1732 Posts

    Oh how things change…………Right Hong Kong??………Right China??………The popular restaurant in China called Okra Kitchen-Hong Kong is now accepting payments in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Binance and the U.S. Dollar backed Binance Stablecoin. Haha!!  🙂



    Popular Hong Kong Resturant, Okra Kitchen Now Accept Cryptocurrencies

    #1865 Reply
    Lance Thompson
    1732 Posts

    Interview over in India regarding the crypto regulatory environment there was streamed on YouTube a little over an hour ago……Apparently when India’s Government announced “the potential” crypto ban India’s Crypto Community raised holy h*ll which is why the bill for the ban was “tabled”……That combined with the 10X growth of the crypto industry in India has the Government re-thinking how they want to regulate crypto instead.

    Why they keep announcing a crypto ban WITHOUT actually banning it makes no sense to me and I know it makes no sense to any of you……But when you look at the way that PM Modi has completely mishandled its 2nd wave of the spread of Covid is anyone surprised??…….I think that his mishandling of Covid also emboldened India’s Crypto Community as well with them more than likely whispering to him behind closed doors “Bruh……You better concentrate on staying in office cause the Mob outside is calling for your head with your failure to rollout an effective vaccine…..You leave crypto alone”.


    #1867 Reply
    Lance Thompson
    1732 Posts

    Check out the altcoins that he alerts you to……There are too many s–tcoins out there but what he wants to alert you to are the BEST altcoins available……Now be advised that a number of them are on the Cardano and on the Solana networks and unfortunately not available to us here in the United States as they are only available on a lot of Asian crypto exchanges.

    But Cardano is trying to be the #1 crypto in Africa so coins on that network “should” be available for purchase for those of you that live in Africa……….And as of right now a number of them are low priced…….Enjoy…………


    #1868 Reply
    Lance Thompson
    1732 Posts

    Another video from Crypto Banter to pay attention to……..The #1 thing to pay attention to on this one is when he talks about “why” the United States won’t ban crypto and keeps placing all of its emphasis on “taxation of crypto” whenever the Treasury Secretary addresses it…….What’s one of the biggest reasons why crypto here to stay in the U.S.??……Tax revenue!!!…..Let’s face facts, the U.S. Government is deep deep deep in debt and Biden has some big spending plans so it needs a source of revenue from SOMEWHERE other than people’s job tax revenue doesn’t it??……Enjoy the video………….


    #1870 Reply
    Lance Thompson
    1732 Posts

    So what coin is currently being hailed as the big steal during the current bear market??


    Currently down to $0.90 per coin but had gone up as high as $2.68 per before the downturn……And the great thing about it is that it’s on the Ethereum ecosystem so it’s available for purchase on nearly every crypto exchange in the U.S.……You can buy it on Coinbase or on Binance/U.S. using your debit card or bank account # and as secure as Coinbase and Binance are you really don’t even have to store it in a wallet……The one time that the regular Binance was hacked they reimbursed everybody who had coins stolen so……You can thank me later brothers and sisters…………………

    #1875 Reply
    Lance Thompson
    1732 Posts

    An outstanding video posted yesterday by Bob from Wisconsin on The Crypto Currency News Guy YouTube channel……Listen up, and listen good!


    #1876 Reply
    Lance Thompson
    1732 Posts

    Story came out 8 hours ago regarding proposed crypto regulations planning on being proposed by the Biden Administration……..Exactly what we’ve all been begging for good people………regulatory CLARITY on crypto from the U.S. Federal Government…………………….


    #1878 Reply
    Lance Thompson
    1732 Posts

    From this past weekend’s Bitcoin Conference down in Miami that just ended today, Saturday, June 5th, 2021. The Future unfolding right before our eyes good people……………


    #1879 Reply
    Lance Thompson
    1732 Posts

    The FBI just held this press conference a little over an hour ago and this just further cements the case WHY the World needs cryptocurrency…….There will continue to be crypto skeptics out there who will continue to make the case that “Hell, they’d have caught them if the ransom had been paid in fiat currency too, all they’d have had to do is markup the bills”, to which you can quickly reply “Sheeeeeidddddd, you wanna bet?!?! If they had paid them in any Advanced nation’s currency like the U.S. Dollar or the Chinese Yuan or the Euro or the Russian Ruble or the Japanese Yen those hackers would be sitting on a beach in the Mediterranean right now…… PHAT……..probably getting pedicures. If they had paid them in fiat currency what’s to stop them from getting the payment in Russian Rubles, washing the money someplace else and then exchanging it for U.S. Dollars or anything else??…..Marked up bills will only tell international investigators the area where the marked up bills turned up which takes much much much longer to find your culprits or to recover the money…..No way they’d have gotten the money back this fast!”.

    Digital will always mean “trackable & traceable”.


    #1884 Reply
    Lance Thompson
    1732 Posts

    It’s happening y’all……………

    It’s happening………..

    It’s happening……….

    It’s happening……….

    It’s happening………

    It’s happening………

    Forget about the session of El Salvador’s Congress, the interviews on CNBC begin at the 3 minute & 45 second mark…………………………………….


    #1885 Reply
    Lance Thompson
    1732 Posts

    The difference between a cryptocurrency and a token……The difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum……..Taken from an article off of the Indian Express, a news website over in India……This article came out on Tuesday, June 8th, 2021………….

    What’s interesting for our purposes is that in addition to being a cryptocurrency, Ethereum is also a token. What’s a token? Well, the easiest metaphor, frankly, is to just think about a token at a Chuck E. Cheese. It’s a kind of money that’s redeemable for goods and services within a very specific environment. At Chuck E. Cheese, obviously, the tokens let you play videogames and pinball and Skee-Ball and whatever else.

    Ethereum world, the currency (ETH) lets you pay a network of computers to run various applications that are built on top of it. One of the biggest applications running on top of the Ethereum network is the aforementioned exchange Uniswap, where you can trade different coins for each other. Each time you place a trade, you have to pay a “gas fee” (denominated in ETH) to the network of computers that process the transaction. So Uniswap, in this analogy, is like one of the games in the arcade.

    There’s something important that happens when you move from being a currency to being a token, which is that the necessity of pure belief starts to fade. If someone hands you $100 worth of Chuck E. Cheese tokens, you might be annoyed, and you might find them to be completely useless. But you probably accept the premise that if you drive to a Chuck E. Cheese, then you’ll be able to use them to play the games. You might not want to. You might not have any use for it. But you know that you can. You don’t have to subscribe to any Chuck E. Cheese ideology.

    Bitcoin to have value, you kind of just have to accept that it has value. Either you believe or you don’t. With a token, there’s less faith involved. If you want to use an app that is built on top of Ethereum, then you have to use it. If someone sends you Ethereum, you know you’ll be able to use it within the overall environment. You might be skeptical of the whole thing and think it’s all speculative games. But as with the Chuck E. Cheese token, it works and it’s necessary if you want to participate in that world.

    #1889 Reply
    Lance Thompson
    1732 Posts

    The Virtual Defi Summit taking place on YouTube began yesterday on Monday, June 14th and ends on Thursday, June 17th……….Check it out…….Mark Cuban from Shark Tank and the Owner of the NBA’s Dallas Mavs is taking part in it today on Tuesday…………………………..


    #1891 Reply
    Lance Thompson
    1732 Posts

    Those that know me know that I am extremely reluctant to buy into conspiracy theories, but I’m willing to entertain this one because Trump and Mnuchin (Treasury Secy under Trump) said that the growth of Bitcoin will take away from the “strength and dominance” of the U.S. Dollar and with Trump he reiterated it recently……And the current Treasury Secy Janet Yellen under Biden keeps coming out and reemphasizing to the Market that Bitcoin has no instrisic value and should not be thought of as “a legal tender”……Her saying it once is 1 thing but she keeps on coming out and repeating it……So Bitcoin definitely seems to make Dollar Hawks feel a tad bit “uncomfortable”…….At the end of the vid Bob points out that ultimately they know they can’t stop the growth of Bitcoin and when push comes to shove the U.S. Treasury will just “buy” a bunch of Bitcoins, but until that time comes they may fight the growth of it for a little while until they strategize how to make BTC be most beneficial for the U.S.


    #1895 Reply
    Lance Thompson
    1732 Posts

    MATIC/Polygon is currently down to the bargain/basement price of $1.02 – $1.04 per coin…….Really not expecting this low priced opportunity to come ever again……..




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