Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 227 total) ← 1 2 3 … 6 7 8 … 14 15 16 → Author Posts September 30, 2020 at 8:01 pm #1741 Reply Lance Thompson 1843 Posts Okay, I also just came across this video a couple of days ago by a crypto trader by the name of Trevon James who shares my sentiment that Tronix's Defi Ecosystem is to be taken extremely serious as it competes with Ethereum…….And regarding Trevon, pay NO attention to his appearance…..The brother may not keep his beard well trimmed and he may be sporting the nappy head……NO, he doesn't look like the well kept, well dressed crypto or stock traders OF ANY RACE that come on CNBC or Bloomberg to share their knowledge…..NO, he's not one of those black people who "play the corporate game", but don't let his grimey appearance and his occasional silly one-liners fool you…..the brother KNOWS his s–t. He has 122,000 subscribers to his YouTube channel for a reason….he has very in depth technical crypto knowledge that has a lot of people listening to him. He doesn't start talking about Tronix vs. Ethereum and the advantages of engaging in Defi on Tronix until right at the 9 minute mark, but the reasons he lays out can not be ignored. Enjoy…………………………… October 5, 2020 at 3:12 pm #1745 Reply Lance Thompson 1843 Posts Yeah………… Now based on this interview with the Founder of Finxflo it seems like China is finding shutting crypto out of its borders next to impossible…..They want to wade off into the Defi market in a centralized way, but how do you centralize what was always intended to remain decentralized?? The Mainland has a huge dilemma…………. More support for the point of view that Tronix has huge potential……….. October 6, 2020 at 6:39 pm #1746 Reply Lance Thompson 1843 Posts A very interesting development on the regulatory end with the U.S. Federal Reserve……….. October 6, 2020 at 6:43 pm #1747 Reply Lance Thompson 1843 Posts And on another note, it does appear that Tronix's policy of $0 for transaction fees has shaken Ethereum UP……There's only 1 problem…..Ethereum dropping their fees 85% isn't 100% now is it??……Doesn't take a genius to know that dropping their fees 85% is taking money out of SOMEBODY's pocket and whoever that somebody is they're probably not real happy right now……….. October 7, 2020 at 5:54 pm #1748 Reply Lance Thompson 1843 Posts More food for thought…………………………………………………….. October 8, 2020 at 8:51 pm #1749 Reply Lance Thompson 1843 Posts Straight off of the desk of U.S. Attorney General William P. Barr is the release of An Enforcement Framework for Cryptocurrency which is a publication produced by the Attorney General’s Cyber-Digital Task Force…….The U.S. Department of Justice’s official stance on cryptocurrencies y’all……Just came out 5 hours ago…….Read it closely and pay close attention cause you can best believe that banks and governments all across the Globe are paying close attention to this as well………… October 8, 2020 at 9:01 pm #1753 Reply Lance Thompson 1843 Posts And below is Yahoo!Finance's report on that release from the U.S. Attorney General's Office on crypto……………………………………. October 10, 2020 at 4:23 pm #1754 Reply Lance Thompson 1843 Posts More information on the latest moves of the U.S. Government after the Department of Justice's recent report……………………………. October 11, 2020 at 3:14 pm #1755 Reply Lance Thompson 1843 Posts Okay………… This guy who runs the Cryptocurrency News Channel is someone else whose knowledge level about cryptocurrency and how it works is definitely not to be underestimated. Last night he held a livestream Q&A for his 30,000 subscribers and those who follow him……Now later on after about the 1 hour and 15 minute mark he got a little more into giving his opinion about the NBA Championship and the NFL which I thought was silly. I'm quite sure a number of you are just like me……You don't give a frog's fat a$$ about his opinion about sports. You want to hear him share his knowledge and his opinion about crypto. So he should have just "stayed in his lane", but that doesn't mean that this entire video is a waste. 2 parts of the video you'll find quite interesting is right at the 27 minute mark where he talks about how Bitcoin and Ethereum having these high transaction fees IS a problem that will eventually have to be solved…….Then right at the 30 minute mark someone asked him about the new interbank telecommunication system structured for SWIFT that is supposed to speed up interbank financial transactions by late 2022 and whether or not he believes this will kill cryptocurrency growth……You all will remember that I just shared an article about that a week ago…..I think you'll find his answer very interesting to contrast with the opinion of the author of that article. Enjoy the video as it's very very very informative and loaded with excellent information………… October 14, 2020 at 7:36 pm #1756 Reply Lance Thompson 1843 Posts Okay I'm sold on him now………This guy who runs the Cryptocurrency News Channel on YouTube??………He's got some in-depth, comprehensive crypto as well as World governments knowledge to share……Subscribe to this guy's channel and tune-in to what he's saying…..He's completely objective and unbiased…….Enjoy………… October 14, 2020 at 9:53 pm #1757 Reply Lance Thompson 1843 Posts And be advised that according to this guy who runs Cryptocurrency News Channel a cryptocurrency you should give a close look as of today, October 14th is Theta token (THETA)……..That’s one to give some consideration as it’s currently priced at $.73 cents per token……Another one to give a close look at is the Polkadot token (DOT) which is currently sitting at a price of $4.10 and also take a close look at the ICON token (ICX) which currently sits at a price of $.38 per token……My understanding is that the ICX token is backed by the South Korean Government… advised that all 3 can be purchased on Binance…….something to think about………… October 16, 2020 at 9:29 pm #1762 Reply Lance Thompson 1843 Posts Okay…………………. Had been seeing the opinion out there among the crypto experts and talking heads that Defi was slowing down and dying and that therefore Ethereum and Tronix were slowing down and dying……..Not so fast! October 17, 2020 at 7:03 pm #1764 Reply Lance Thompson 1843 Posts And even more signs of progress Good People………..This right here?? This is HUGE!!! This is a greenlight coming from the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission that the crypto community and institutional investors have been waiting on FOR YEARS!! October 18, 2020 at 2:15 am #1765 Reply Lance Thompson 1843 Posts Check it out……………………………………………………. October 20, 2020 at 3:35 pm #1766 Reply Lance Thompson 1843 Posts Although it's from 2019 still an excellent movie to watch……Lasts for 40 minutes…….. Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 227 total) ← 1 2 3 … 6 7 8 … 14 15 16 → Reply To: Ways to raise capital for real estate investing….. Your information: Name (required): Mail (will not be published) (required): Website: Submit