Forums Welcome to NABPM There will be lawsuits………….. Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total) Author Posts August 27, 2019 at 7:30 pm #1526 Reply Lance Thompson 304 Posts Yeah………… Good people, be aware of the fact that regardless of what you’re not seeing when it comes to "new" property managers or "new" property owners signing up in the directories, there are new people joining this website even if they’re not joining the directories immediately. Had a very good phone conversation recently with someone who just joined our site and he explained a situation where he had been nearly "blatantly" discriminated against and kept from purchasing a rental property his family was interested in buying in a white neighborhood out West. I’ve had a similar discriminatory experience in the Pittsburgh, Penn area that I talked about in a previous message. Now at the end of the day? Those properties in the white neighborhoods are the ones that NABPM members want……those are the primo properties in the primo neighborhoods and primo locations. So if we’re going to be regularly finding ourselves dealing with this kind of discrimination then we’re going to have to face facts that there WILL be a few lawsuits that come about as a result of the property hunting done by members of this site. So as the song says "Let’s get this party started right…………" I’ve been out there doing web searches for Housing Discrimination Attorneys and I’ve found a few good websites. I will share what I find here in a few messages and if anybody else finds any other law firms, feel free to share them here. Be aware going in though that as this website Legal Match states on its entry page "Proving discrimination can be very difficult". While there is truth to that MY thinking is that an attorney has to come up with some kind of proof through some sort of "legal entrapment". In other words, the realtors and sellers have to be "taped" telling the black buyer 1 thing, and then have to be "taped" telling the white buyer the exact opposite. That’s what I’m thinking has to be an idea you need to at least "throw out there" to the attorney in the beginning and then they can tell you whether entrapment of that kind is legal or not……that’s my uninformed thought from the jump seeing that I’m not an attorney and don’t really know how this works. Just something to think about. August 27, 2019 at 7:47 pm #1528 Reply Lance Thompson 304 Posts September 10, 2019 at 9:08 pm #1531 Reply Lance Thompson 304 Posts Housing And Urban Development (HUD) is also available to be contacted about housing discrimination……I'm just not sure if they are the ones to contact regarding discrimination in the purchase of rental property…………… Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total) Reply To: There will be lawsuits………….. Your information: Name (required): Mail (will not be published) (required): Website: Submit