Viewing 1 post (of 1 total) Author Posts September 12, 2017 at 2:31 pm #1197 Reply Lance Thompson 1843 Posts Good people, One of the things to always bear in mind is that both property managers AND property owners want to be sure to "track your mileage" as you drive back-and-forth to properties as well as anytime you drive ANYWHERE where business is being conducted. Property managers we can’t stress this enough…..always remember that you are in business for yourself, and one of the things that will be a vital part of your business is claiming your business miles that you put on your car on your annual tax return. -Every time you drive over to a house or apartment complex to show a property to prospective tenants you need to track those miles. -Every time you meet for a business lunch with a property owner to discuss properties he or she wants you to manage for them you need to track those miles. -Every time you drive to a property to repair or replace anything that needs fixing or replacing, you need to track those miles. -Every time you drive to the courthouse to file an eviction notice on a non rent paying tenant you need to track those miles. -Every time you drive out of town to another city to handle any property management duties at a property out of town you need to track those miles. -Each and every time you take a drive anywhere where business is discussed or handled you need to be tracking those miles. Why do you want to track and claim those miles? Because claiming those miles on your taxes gets you MORE MONEY given back to you on your tax return…….potentially THOUSANDS more….thousands of dollars that you’re going to put BACK into your property management or property ownership business. And the great thing about it is that you can download either Mile IQ or Mile Tracker onto your I-Phone or onto your Android and just use them to track every single business mile for you. Those are very user-friendly apps that make mileage tracking very simple. Viewing 1 post (of 1 total) Reply To: Mile IQ or Mile Tracker – Download those apps Your information: Name (required): Mail (will not be published) (required): Website: Visual Text Submit