Viewing 1 post (of 1 total) Author Posts January 20, 2019 at 8:53 pm #1413 Reply Lance Thompson 1843 Posts Good people, Have read several articles as well as watched several online & tv interviews with institutional investors which is making it crystal clear to me that “at some point” cryptocurrencies are going to go from where they are right now…..(tools of speculation) to what they will ultimately become……(currencies that will be used to buy goods & services all over the world). The belief as you can see in the video below is that institutional investors will begin trickling-in & investing “the big multimillion dollar purchases” of cryptocurrencies as 2019 drags on which will eventually drive the prices of cryptocurrencies up again later on this year. Are there any guarantees of that?…….There are no guarantees in any form of investing. All I can tell you is that a number of institutional investors have said that they believe this is what will happen this year. The main thing to be aware of though is that when more & more stores & merchants begin accepting cryptocurrencies for payments, the more the prices of cryptocurrencies are going to come back DOWN…..Bitcoin has been speculated will eventually rise up to a price of $50,000 – $60,000 per coin, and while that is very much possible, IT WON’T STAY THAT HIGH if it ever does get that high. Do I think that it’ll ever get to the point where $1.00 Bitcoin will get you only $1.00 U.S. Dollar??……..I don’t know about that……It could easily get down to the point where $1.00 Bitcoin will only get you $20.00…..$15.00…..$10.00…..or $5.00 U.S. Dollars……that is very much a possibility. Right now cryptocurrencies have to learn how to become scaleable… other words, right now cryptocurrencies can only do like 5 or 6 transactions per second, but credit cards & debit cards can do I think like 25,000 transactions per second. Well once cryptocurrencies get to the point where they can do thousands of transactions per second that will be a big influence on the prices decreasing significantly. Now, when will cryptocurrencies become scaleable?…..Nobody has a crystal ball. All I can tell you is that I plan to be paying very close attention to CNBC, Bloomberg as well as CNBC’s Crypto Trader channel on YouTube for clues & I strongly advise all of you to do the same…….the year 2023 is exactly 5 years from now & I strongly suspect that I will begin selling all of my cryptocurrency positions & raising cash by the year 2023……2024 at the very latest, and to be honest about it, things may begin getting “shaky” around 2021 – 2022. Stay on top of things good people & keep your eyes & ears OPEN. Happy investing & stay warm out there in this cold weather. LT Viewing 1 post (of 1 total) Reply To: From speculation to usage (cryptocurrency strategy) Your information: Name (required): Mail (will not be published) (required): Website: Visual Text Submit