Name * First Last City & State you're based in * Phone * Cities & States you currently own properties in * Visual Text Here´s where you help our property managers guage how far you aspire to take your property ownership. Check the number that best describes your property ownership ambition. #1. I´m comfortable staying in the cities I currently own properties in. I definitely need a property manager to manage the properties I currently own though. #2. U.S. Cities & States you would like to buy property in: Cities & States you would like to buy property in: Visual Text #3. Cities & Countries abroad you would like to buy property in: Countries & Cities abroad you would like to buy property in: Visual Text The owner of the website is empowered to remove a Property Owner's or a Property Manager's listing for conduct viewed as detrimental to the organization, or can allow a Property Owner or Property Manager back into the website if the organization sees fit