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Profile Name : Angela Harris

Property management ambition

Ratings given by NABPM Property Owners – 1 being the lowest……….5 being the highest

#1. Can this property manager be trusted, particularly to pay you your money when they receive it from the tenant?
#2. How high do you rate this property manager’s work ethic? Does this property manager have a problem with “work”?
#3. How high do you rate this property manager’s level of dependability? Your money from the tenant, your monthly income/expense statement and your annual income/expense statement for each property they manage for you should all come to you like clockwork without you having to chase them down for them. And do you get your annual income/expense statement for the previous year before February 25th so that you can show them on your income taxes by April 15th? How dependable is this property manager?
#4. How competitive are the prices and percentages that this manager charges for the services they provide?
#5. How high do you rate this manager when it comes to the maintenance and upkeep of your properties?
#6. Does this property manager have the “toughness” it takes to be in the property management business? Do tenants have an easy time getting over on him or her? Or when a tenant fails to pay the rent by the 5th or by the 15th, can this property manager be depended upon to file the eviction notice at the local courthouse by the earliest available date?
#7.How high do you rate this manager when it comes to documenting their communication with tenants? The evictions of bad tenants are the best way to know that this property manager documents their communication very well with tenants.
#8. How high do you rate this manager’s level of professionalism? Are they strictly business with tenants, or do they get too chummy and personal with tenants?
#9. How high do you rate this manager’s tenant selection process?
#10. How high do you rate this property manager’s ability to expand? If they’re good, is their company staff just as good? Give your honest score on this one only if they check #3 or #4 under Property Management ambition saying that they want to expand across the U.S. and/or abroad. Otherwise just give them a standard score of 3 on this one.
#11. How high do you rate this property manager’s knowledge of the rental property laws for each city and state that they manage property in, or aspire to manage property in? If they don’t have the knowledge of the laws in another state, have they at least demonstrated the hunger to go out and seek the information through online research? Again, give your honest score on this one only if they check #3 or #4 under Property Management ambition saying that they want to expand across the U.S. and/or abroad. Otherwise just give them a standard score of 3 on this one as well.